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School Information

St Thomas More is a multi-cultural community working through prayer, celebration and learning to achieve excellence. 

We value and respect all the languages and faiths within our community.

We see each child as an individual and aim to provide a nurturing and stimulating environment in which they can flourish and realise their potential.

In our school every child matters.

We have approximately 410 children on roll in 14 classes.  The school consists of a Foundation Stage Unit, 4 classes in KS1 and 8 classes in KS2 arranged into 2 classes per year group. 

Each class has children of mixed abilities who are supported by their class teachers, Nursery Nurses, Higher Level Teaching Assistants and Teaching Assistants.

At St Thomas More we have a vibrant and hands-on approach to learning and use a range of new and exciting technologies to support and enhance our children’s learning. 

Feel the buzz as you step into any of our classrooms as children are engaged in and excited by their learning.


The School Day starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm.

We have a large range of after school activities available every night.

Staff are on duty on each playground from 8.30am when the gates are opened.

Break times are 15 minutes in the morning and are staggered from 10.15am - 11am.

Lunchtime starts at 11.30am for EYFS with the rest of the school taking an hour for lunch from 12pm for KS1 and 12.15pm for KS2.

Our school is a caring community, whose values are built on Christian values of mutual trust and respect for all. 

The school has 5 school rules.

Care for everybody and everything

Be ready to learn and do your best

Do as you are asked first time

Listen to others

Move around the school quietly

These rules are displayed in every classroom and are referred to regularly.

The rules are in place to promote individual responsibility and independence. They help to establish good relationships within the school.

The school expects every member of the school community to behave in a considerate way towards others, treat everyone equally and apply the school rules consistently.

The school works collaboratively with parents/carers, so children receive consistent messages about how to behave at home and at school.

Parents/carers are expected to support their child’s learning, and to co-operate with the school, as set out in the Home–School agreement. The school tries to build a supportive dialogue between the home and the school, and parents/carers are informed immediately of any concerns about their child’s welfare or behaviour after consulting the Headteacher.

If the school has to use reasonable sanctions to punish a child, parents should support the actions of the school. If parents have any concern about the way that their child has been treated, they should initially contact the class teacher. If the concern remains, they should contact the Headteacher.

If these discussions cannot resolve the problem, they should contact the school governors as a formal grievance or appeal process may need to be implemented.


Our whole school attendance target is 97%. Attendance is closely monitored by our Headteacher, Attendance Officer and Governors. Regular attendance and punctuality are compulsory requirements and essential if pupils are to make the best progress in their learning. If your child is going to be absent, please contact the school on 01733 566005 and leave a message on the absence answerphone or alternatively email If you fail to call the school our Attendance Officer will try to contact you by phone or may complete a home visit.

In the event we cannot get hold of you this will be marked as un-authorised absence. Children who miss the morning or the afternoon register will receive a late mark.

Child Appointments

If your child has a medical appointment in school, please notify the school with evidence prior to the appointment. Evidence can be emailed over to the school office email possible please arrange the appointment outside of the school day. We are aware this is not always possible but evidence must be provided of all appointments. 

Parent Appointments

More and more children are being collected early due to parent appointments, which is NOT acceptable.

If you are unable to collect your child on time because of an appointment, please make alternative arrangements for your child to be collected or please use our After School Club, which can be booked in advance on Wisepay. £6.00 per session Monday-Friday 3.15pm - 5.45pm.

Where this is not possible proof of the parents appointment will be required prior to the appointment.

Leave of Absence

A request for leave of absence must be submitted BEFORE flights are booked or plans made. This form can be collected from the school office. Any leave of absence during term time will not be authorised. Parents will receive a Penalty Notice from Peterborough City Council for any leave taken during term time.

In exceptional/unavoidable circumstances the Headteacher may authorise leave. Please contact Mrs Smee to discuss any leave of absence.

Telephone Numbers, addresses and email addresses

Please make sure that the school has your up to date contact details as we communicate to parents throughout the year via text and email. We will also need this if we need to contact you in an emergency. You must also inform the school if you change address and the school will need to see proof of this. You can update these by emailing

Medicines in school

We understand that your child may need to take temporary medication in school. If you child requires medication to be given during school hours please contact the school office. The school will not give medication without a prescription and parents’ consent.

Dinner Money

KS2 (Year 3, 4, 5 & 6) Dinner Money must be paid online on a Monday morning. School Dinners will not be provided unless paid for in advance. 


A reminder that the school is now operating a cashless system. All payments for dinners, trips, clubs etc must be paid by Wisepay.

Keeping in touch

The St Thomas More app will keep you up to date on events, activities and news.

The app is FREE to download and it is vital that all of our families have the app in order to keep in touch.

Please see the poster below on how you can download our app and keep in touch!